Initial Educational Goals:
Award up to three $1,000 scholarships annually to students enrolled in college programs focused on Christian Leadership in the church and in the professional workforce.
Qualified Colleges:
CMC Missions and those so designated by this office will review each application and determine if the college and course of study meet the general purpose of this scholarship. Generally, if the college or university is accredited it will meet the criteria.
CMC Missions Scholarship
The Scholarship Fund is now open. the application deadline is February 1, 2025.
Financial Goal:
The CMC Missions has committed three thousand dollars of its operating budget each year to support this program.
Gifts, donations and honorariums may be accepted to help grow this fund for future generations.
Financial Note: All funds donated or gifted, become the property of the CMC Missions and will be deposited into the temporary restricted Education Fund. No funds will be accepted for the personal benefit of named recipients.
Awarding Dates and Schedule:
As funds are available, the scholarships will be open for application as follows.
Application Form and Award Process:
Forms: Application for CMC Missions Michael West Gary Scholarship Fund Up to three $1,000 scholarships annually ($3,000 Annually).